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Manual Handling Training Kerry


Online Manual Handling Training allows your employees to complete the course at convenient times.

It is a convenient way to remain compliant with legislation and improve your staff training levels. 


The online course is structured and paced to ensure maximum knowledge retention.

It covers all of the essential elements including:

  • Legislation

  • Anatomy

  • Ergonomics

  • Risk assessment

  • Accident prevention

  • Lifting practice



The course will take an individual approximately 2 hours to complete.

Once the online component has been completed, you will need to either:


1 - Book a slot with one of our assessors to come to your business and take candidates through the practical elements of the course. This usually takes approximately 40 minutes. *


2 - Have your employees attend a session at our premises in Farranfore. 


* A minimum number of 8 employees are required for a visit by an instructor. At the moment, this service is restricted to businesses within a 30 minute drive of Farranfore in County Kerry. However, we will soon be offering a 100% online course with full certification. 


​Certificate: On successful completion, candidates are issued with a manual handling certificate - valid for 3 years.


To Book - Please contact us for a code which is unique to you or to your company. You can then share the code with your employees who will create their own log-in. 



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